Gary Taubes, author of the life-changing (for me, at any rate) book Good Calories, Bad Calories now has a blog, and a new book coming out this month – Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It. That would make a nice late Christmas present.
Coming out two weeks before that, in fact, this next Tuesday, is Tim Ferriss‘ new one, The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman. I enjoyed his first book, the 4-hour Workweek, which, while not exactly containing world-shattering new information is useful in providing in one place information and a perspective that would have taken vast effort to compile. It hasn’t changed my life – but I hope it will in the new year. At least a little, anyway. I think the new one will be a useful companion piece to the information I’ve already assembled for the whole diet/exercise program I’m now following.
I’ll post a review once I get it.